Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hospital Admission Scheduled for Tomorrow, Friday April 11th

Well I hesitated to post another false report, but after seeing my infectious disease doctor on Tuesday I got the green light to go to stem cell transplant. So my hospital admission has been scheduled for tomorrow, Friday April 11th. I had my central line inserted today.....not something you want to do on a daily basis...and that is how they will give me my chemo, blood products and medications for the near future. My stem cell transplant should occur on Good Friday, April 18th. I guess you could say I'm walking the way of the cross with Christ in a more personal way this Easter season!  I can feel the joy at the other end of the tunnel!!

I feel fantastic, health wise, and emotionally I am excited and scared at the same time.....but ready to get it over with. The unknown is always the worst part of making it through a difficult situation.

I am so blessed to have all the support of my family and friends who are praying for me and bringing meals to my sweet husband and Nathan while I'm out of commision. I also have my dear friend Becky Newman who is taking care of purchasing all the medical supplies for my brother Greg. She will be delivering them to the nursing home weekly. I have Aura and Naty and Stanna taking care of Greg .....and this team cannot be beat!!! They are so loving and fantastic with Greg!! The nursing home staff has been very supportive as well! I feel so thankful to everyone.

Jerry doesn't know how to blog, so give him some time to catch on....if I can learn, he certainly can!
So keep following my blog if your bored at night!!! haha!

All is shaping into place!


  1. I sent out a prayer request to my ladies group this week and one of the ladies responded with this prayer, which I know you heard also from Donna Worley at mass at SEAS on day and it really touch you, so now this is my Gail prayer since it keeps coming up for you.
    "Let nothing disturb you.

    Let nothing frighten you.

    All things are passing away.

    God never changes.

    Patience obtains all things.

    Whoever has God lacks nothing. God alone suffices."

    St. Theresa of Avila

  2. Gail, thanks for the update. May God go with you and bless you with a full recovery! I appreciate the blog and being able to follow your progress. Praying for you! Nancy
