Friday, April 18, 2014

Day 0

Good Friday, April 18

It's done! The transplant/transfusion began at 11:00 this morning and was completed about 45 minutes later.Considering the magnitude of what the transplant means to Gail, the procedure itself was quite uneventful. Stephen, Nathan, Jerry and Gail's brother Mark all attended her "new birth". With the procedure, Gail will have all new cells in her bone marrow; her new blood type will go from O+ to A+.

A very, very special thank you to Gail's nurse for today, Nicole. She was in the room the entire time of the transplant, and answered many questions, from many different angles, from many different people. And how do you say thank you to someone who has given you the opportunity for a new life... that being Gail's donor. We all will be forever grateful!  

Gail recovered very well from the rough day yesterday. When Jerry arrived at the hospital about 8:45, she had already started her mile walk. With the procedure, Gail was once again given Benadryl, which probably means a rather "sleepy" afternoon.

On the transplant floor, in addition to calling today Day 0, it is also considered the patient's new birthday. April 18th will long be remembered by all of us as a very special day... a new birthday for Gail celebrating the hope for a long, healthy life ahead and  Good Friday, a reminder of the hope of eternal life.

Happy Birthday, Gail!


  1. Thanks God!. Happy for you Ms Gail

  2. Many prayers for you Gail. I hope you and your family have a joyful Easter!

  3. Hallelujah!!! Happy Birthday sweet, precious Gail!! Thank you, Jesus, for answered prayers! We will continue to be your prayer warriors, Gail. You are so strong, humble, peaceful, generous and kind. It is an honor to know you. We LOVE you!

  4. Prayers sent your way from Collin and Casey! Happy Birthday Aunt Gail and Happy Easter!

  5. Extra special prayers of thanks on your new birthday! So proud of you Gail! Hang in there and know you are loved.
