Monday, April 14
Gail continues to handle all the medications and the third day of chemo pretty well. Gastrointestinal issues have cropped up over the past two days, but we think we have it under control with a combination of medications! Gail is convinced that she must be on every medication class out there! She is a bit more tired, but still feels okay overall. She attended an exercise class that is held on M-W-F. She met a few more of the patients... and spent an hour working out to some energetic music. Anyone remember "Disco Fever"? Her MDS doctor, Dr. Garcia-Manero stopped by to visit while on the floor this morning. We are certainly grateful for all his work and encouragement to get her to this point!
Disco Fever, wow that will get ya moving. Glad you are staying as active as you can and as always making the best of every situation.