Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day -3

Tuesday April 15

Today Gail finished the four-day treatment of her first chemotherapy drug. Tomorrow will be a different medicine known to cause mouth sores. She can't wait for that....NOT! She is starting to be a bit more tired, nauseous and has less and less of an appetite. In addition to the chemo, as we head towards Day 0, tomorrow they will be adding some type of anti-rejection medicine to her IV. Her nurse today, Sarabeth, has been great about answering questions!

Fun facts to know and tell....
1. When asked why the nurses wear a special gown and double gloves when hanging the chemo IV bags, Gail was told that it was because the chemo is so toxic that it would burn through their skin or mine if splashed out! Gail politely asked "Well then what is it doing to my veins and arteries?" The nurse stated that the veins are very sturdy and it doesn't harm them.

2. Most people don't lose their hair until after engraphment...some will lose all, some partial, some none.

Gail was happy and excited today to be able to Skype with her brother Greg, who lives in a nursing home. Thanks so much to Aura (his caregiver) for handling the IPad and carrying on a conversation, all while getting Greg to give Gail a big smile and an attempted kiss.

Gail's good friend Becky stopped by this evening to visit. All in all, another good day.


  1. You can have visitors! Wonderful!

  2. Hi ms Gail! I'm glad to see you smiling. You and Greg have the same smile. We are ok here praying to God for you. And doing our job.

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