Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Delayed Admission and Transplant

We have learned of some set backs over the past two days. First off, we have been notified that my donor has had to back out due to what sounds like a medical issue. The good news is that they have contacted the second donor on the list and they are saying that they can be ready as soon as April 1.
That would place me being admitted on next Tuesday, March 25th...a five day delay. Let's hope and pray all goes well with his physicals etc. and that this gentleman works out! It's a 29 year old European donor with an A+ blood type.

Secondly, my chest X-ray yesterday morning showed a suspicious spot on my lungs that needs to be checked out. So that spurred a CT of the chest and a visit to a Pulmonologist this morning and a bronchoscopy this afternoon. I will have an Infectious Disease consult as well on Thursday. The results from the bronchoscopy are pending. They will send the samples to be analyzed to see what is growing in my lungs. The pulmonologist said he didn't think it looked like pneumonia, but we have to wait and see.

In the meantime, I am feeling fine. We are disappointed in the set backs, but are thankful I'm feeling well and that I have a few more days to prepare for the long recoup period.

March 20, 2014  After meeting with an infectious disease doctor today and Dr. Champlin, it looks like the delay will be at least 2-3 weeks, perhaps longer. They have to treat what ever is growing in my lungs before giving me the heavy chemo and transplanted stem cells. It just wouldn't be safe to proceed at this time. The cultures take several weeks to grow. In the meantime I have been started on two new antibiotics and will start on a new anti-fungal medication. The donor issue is still pending.


  1. Gail, I am praying for you. I am updated by Dianne Brody's emails and now your website. We are all concerned for your welfare. You are so strong, and Jerry is too. Keep fighting. By God's grace, you will win.
    Prayers, Frances Steffensen

  2. Gail, I received an update from Helen Carr today. I have you in my prayers, praying for a successful and speedy recovery. We miss you at golf league and will be glad to have you back. Keep your faith strong and your head held high, you'll be fine and as good as new soon!! Nancy Meyers
