Sunday, March 9, 2014

Dates Set

I am scheduled to be admitted to the hospital on Thursday, March 20th and the cell transfer should happen on March 27th. Things could obviously change....illness on either the donor or my end could postpone things.  I have all kinds of tests scheduled for the week before I am admitted and will have a central catheter inserted on the 19th. This is where the drugs and blood products will be administered. Then on the day I am admitted they will start giving me the heavy doses of chemo therapy to wipe out the cancer cells as well as my own good cells. This is to ready my body so it will accept the donors cells and not fight with the transplanted cells as being a foreign invader.


  1. Sounds like things are progressing well and dates are set. Prayers that all continues in the right direction. That is amazing that the donor is out of the country, maybe after two years you will get to visit him. He is a HERO to all of us. We love you and continue to pray for you and let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

  2. Gail, know that my prayers are with you. You have such a wonderful outlook with how this all fits in with God's confusing as that can be sometimes. I look forward to reading that you're dancing down the hallway in short order!

  3. Gail, I am so glad we can keep up with your progress this way. Your indomitable spirit and faith are truly inspiring and will surely get you through this "challenge," in addition, of course, to the continuing prayers of so many. Know that Lee & I are always in your corner!
    Love, Ann

  4. And so a new journey begins! Have a restful week and know we are all rooting for you! I have a friend in Dallas whose husband is starting his stem cell transplant this week too. Let me know if you want a pen pal going through the same thing at the same time as you. I will actually be at MDA on Thursday am, and will try and find you when I am done. Hugs to the boys......stay well!
