Sunday, September 15, 2019

5th re-birthday

In April I celebrated my 5th re-birthday and last Thursday I had my 18th bone marrow biopsy. I was so excited to receive the news that my blasts continue to maintain at 1%. The other information is not as relevant. I started this journey six years ago on September 6th that my bone marrow biopsy had come back positive for MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome) and as the tests continue to come in it appeared I had a high risk level of this disease. At that time my blasts were at 12% and there was one chromosomal abnormality (Trysomy 8).

It was clear that my only chance of long term survival was to have a stem cell transplant. I was extremely fortunate to have had a 10/10 match to my unrelated donor named Siegmond from Germany. I will forever be grateful to him for 5 more years of health and happiness. We have communicated by letter and email several times, and he knows how grateful I truly am.

The older I get, the more I realize God's plans for me and what he wanted me to learn from this experience and all the encounters I have had in my life. I will never stop learning and growing. My desire is to continually focus on my personal growth toward the love He wants to show me in each aspect of my life. Even in the more difficult moments.

I am also grateful to my wonderful stem cell doctor at MD Anderson, Dr. Richard Champlin and his PA Toby Fisher for their care throughout the stem cell process. They watched me like a hawk, always bringing me back in for a check ups and testing any time I exhibited symptoms of fever or illness. I am also grateful to Dr. Garcia- Manero for getting my blasts to a level that I could successfully have the transplant. I am told he was less optimistic than Dr. Champlin about my chances of a 5 year survival.  But that's why he and Dr, Champlin are doing what they do....always pursuing perfection and success in what they do and the patients they treat!!

I am told that I won't have to receive another bone marrow biopsy, unless something suspicious comes from my blood checks. My blood levels will continue to be checked every 6 months. So that was wonderful news to me!

Thanks for traveling this journey with me.
