Sunday, January 18, 2015

Ninth Month Post Transplant

My follow up visit with Dr. Champlin on January 12 went well. He reviewed the results of the bone marrow biopsy I had received on the 29th of December. No signs of the MDS. My blood has completely changed over to my donor's type (A+). Chimerism study shows that I have 66% of my donor's T-cells. That is still going up (57% last biopsy). They just want to monitor that it's going in the right direction and I assume that in the end the goal is for me to convert to 100% of my donor's T-cells. The T-cells have to do with the immune system. He wants me to receive my second dose of vaccines at the beginning of February. In addition, my chest CT scan showed that the infection in my lungs has improved over the previous two scans. So the new antibiotic and the hold on the chemo must be helping that issue!

Speaking of my donor...I received a letter from him last month. It was a response to the letter I had sent him right before entering the hospital for my stem cell transplant. I had thanked him
wholeheartedly and had expressed to him what all his very precious cells would allow me a chance to experience; given that all was successful. Of course, all communications go through our stem cell coordinator and the national bone marrow registry and "Be the Match". We are not allowed to know our donor's name or location. However, he happen to tell me in the letter that he lived in Germany (oops). If all goes well, in two years I will be allowed to receive his name and address so I can write him directly. And perhaps one day we can pay him a visit :)

In the past month, Jerry and I were able to take a short trip to Key Largo, Florida together for his work. It was a very nice getaway! I also became a great Aunt to my godson's (and nephew) and his wife's new baby boy. Collin and Casey New brought a beautiful baby boy named Cade Patrick (after my deceased brother, Pat) into the world. I was able to hold him today. He's got the entire family beaming!!!

I'm beefing up my exercise regimen and hoping to get back to some golf lessons in the spring. Jerry gave me a "fitbit" for Christmas. It's motivating me to get my 10,000 steps a day....which aint easy to
tackle. I haven't reached that goal yet. I feel I can physically do it, if I just had and hour and a half to spend on exercising each day! That's a big chunk of time!! I primarily use an elliptical machine or walk. Recently, my doctor gave me the approval to be able to work out in the gym. Prior to that he advised against the gym work outs due to too many germs. My nice neighbors and friends, Dottie and Clay, have been extremely generous to let me use their personal gym in their home over the nasty winter months when I can't go walking outdoors. I don't particularly like jogging. So we'll see how long these New Years resolutions last...haha!!

Finally, several people have said that they can not post comments on this blog for some reason. My computer literate son tells me that you have to register for a google account  and get a password in order to make a comment. Sorry, but I don't think it's too hard since I did it!

Below are my bragging photos!
 Family Christmas photo. Hair is growing out. It seems to have a mind of its own right now. A lot more body than I ever had before. Have you ever heard of hair putty?? That's what my stylist recommends!
Some of my St. Agnes high school friends got together at the school last week. Cindy (behind me) is the one who organized the Houston group to have a healing rosary in my honor while I was in the hospital.  Polly (grey sweater) made the prayer blanket that everyone contributed to by tying the knots to connect it beautiful!
Introducing Cade Patrick great nephew!
Key Largo Biking Tour

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

The dawn of a new year allows me time to reflect on the whirl wind of a year 2014 was for me. Full of emotional ups and downs. Last Christmas (2013) and New Year was extremely enjoyable, but also tenuous in that I knew I still had the remainder of my gentle pre-chemo treatments and the stem cell transplant ahead of me. I spent the majority of the days during the holiday of 2013 at MD Anderson receiving chemo and blood transfusions, as my blood was getting sicker and sicker due to the deterioration of my bone marrow. My energy was slowly getting zapped, but I was fortunate that I never had incapacitating symptoms. And best of all for the most part I was able to maintain an unexplainable sense of peace about everything that lied ahead. The only way I can explain this is that through all the people praying for me and my own prayers, the Holy Spirit filled me with that sense of peace. I didn't know how things would end up and still don't know. But in reality none of us knows what tomorrow will bring. And the most positive thing about this illness is that I am reminded daily to take each day as a gift and try to make the most of it. Not by what I accomplish, but how I respond to each little detail or incident that fills my day.

This Christmas 2014 was another beautiful holiday and I am so extremely blessed that I have felt so good. The stem cell transplant is behind me. I wasn't even taking my maintenance chemo during the holidays because the doctor has put a hold on the chemo until I can get this infection growing in my lungs cleared up. The chemo pulls my white blood count down and suppresses my immune system making it even harder for my body to fight infections. I did get a fever the week before Christmas, but it turned out to only be a cold bug and I got over the fever quickly and am slowly getting over a nagging cough.

I had my tenth bone marrow biopsy on Monday the 29th. What a joy those are....(NOT)!!!But unfortunately they are the only way the doctor's can tell how my bone marrow is doing as a result of the stem cell transplant. My doctor informed me that I will likely be receiving bone marrow biopsies every two to three months for the near future. The results of the biopsy should be coming in over the next two weeks.

I am hoping that your New Year is bright and that you all can keep the light shining for all those who are having difficult times emotionally, spiritually and physically this holiday season!